Home Domestic Violence Understanding Violence in a Household

Understanding Violence in a Household

Understanding Violence in a HouseholdWhat is Violence?

Violence is classified as the undertaking of behavior, activity, expression, or sentiment with the expressed purpose of causing harm, facilitating damage, and inciting pain and harm with regard to the individual or individuals considered to be victimized by such violence. Violence can be expressed either in speech or action, which entails a vast array of variations in which violence can take place:

The Prosecution of Domestic Violence

Due to the fact that violence is considered to be comprised of both purpose and intent to cause damage, harm, and pain, there exists an implicit attribution of intent within criminal offenses undertaken through the use of violence. In the event that a charge of Domestic Violence is brought forth within the realm of a legal hearing, the defendant in dispute of those charges will typically retain the burden of proof with regard to the illustration that the acts of violence undertaken were done so either without the expressed intention of causing harm or within the classification of measures undertaken with regard to self-defense.

Aggravated Domestic Violence

Elements differentiating violent crimes classified as ‘aggravated’ from additional violent criminal activity can be substantiated in the presumed presence of violence, malice, and the intent to cause harm within the criminal activity in question; in many cases, an aggravated domestic violence charge will include the perpetrator of aggravated domestic violence undertaking any of the following measures with regard to the criminal charge:

Aggravated Domestic Violence may include the use of a deadly weapon to cause physical harm or injury

Aggravated Domestic Violence may include the use of an expressed threat to murder, maim, or rape the victim

In certain jurisdictions, the classification of ‘aggravated’ may be implicit within a domestic violence charge in the event that the act took place within a household or in front of children residing within that household

Varieties of Violence within Domestic Violence Charges

The following types of violent acts are amongst the most commonly brought forth in the event of domestic violence charges:

Physical Domestic Violence

Domestic violence enacted in a physical manner, which constitutes physical abuse or assault sustained a member of a romantic partnership at the hands of another member of the romantic partnership; physical domestic violence charges taking place within a household can include:

Physical Assault

Neglect and Physical Abuse

Aggravated Attack

Emotional and Psychological Domestic Violence

Domestic violence enacted in an emotional or psychological manner, which constitutes verbal abuse or the demeaning of a member of a romantic partnership as expressed by another member of the romantic partnership; physical emotional and psychological violence charges taking place within a household can include:

Emotional Abuse

Verbal Assault

Aggravated Threats

Sexual Domestic Violence

Domestic violence enacted in a sexual manner, which constitutes physical sexual abuse or sexually-charged verbal assault or harassment sustained a member of a romantic partnership as a result of the expression – both physical and verbal – set forth by another member of the romantic partnership; sexual domestic violence charges taking place within a household can include:

Spousal Rape

Aggravated Threats

Assistance for Victims of Domestic Violence

In the event that an individual has been made aware of ongoing Domestic Violence, or has been party to Domestic Violence that has occurred in the past, they are encouraged to contact their local authorities or law enforcement department in order to report the details of the offense. In the event that an individual wishes to do so in an anonymous fashion, they have to opportunity to contact the appropriate government department, such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline through their 24-hour telephone number: (800) 799-7233. Remember, no one deserves to be victimized by Domestic Violence; a multitude of resources and assistance exist.